Unlocking the Potential of Bio-based Value Chains in the Baltic Sea Region Source of funding Interreg Baltic Sea Region Scientific leader Aleksejs Nipers Project website https://balticbiomass4value.eu/ Duration 2018-2021 Budget 147 184 EUR Project description The economic viability of using biomass for energy and environmental questions, related to e.g. biodiversity and soil fertility, need to be considered. The project BalticBiomass4Value therefore enhances the capacity of public and private actors within the Baltic Sea region to produce bioenergy in a more environmentally sustainable and economically viable way. BalticBiomass4Value develops good practice models for small and medium sized enterprises in producing bioenergy and integrated side bio-products in the Baltic Sea region. The models are based on the current mapping of the region’s biomass resources, conversion technologies and value chains, as well as the outlook of the future market. Last but not least, BalticBiomass4Value fosters links among academic and research institutions and businesses around the Baltic Sea to facilitate knowledge and technology transfer. Project partners Vytautas Magnus University (lead partner), Lithuania Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuania Forest and Land Owners Association of Lithuania, Lithuania Lithuanian Biotechnology Association, Lithuania Vidzeme Planning Region, Latvia Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Latvia Ministry of Rural Affairs of the Republic of Estonia, Estonia Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce, Estonia Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia Agency for Renewable Resources, Germany 3N Lower Saxony Network for Renewable Resources and Bioeconomy, Germany State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland Halmstad University, Sweden Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway Municipal enterprise of the city of Pskov “Gorvodokanal”, Russia