Study of application of an innovative dehydration technology in sapropel production Source of funding EAFRD Scientific leader Irina Pilvere Project website Duration 2018-2023 Budget 4990570 EUR Project description Project full title: Study of application o fan innovative dehydration technology in sapropel production, application options of the products, produced on the basis of sapropel, in crop and livestock farming The resaerch aim is to examine and develop[ energy- efficient and economically feasible sapropel production (dehydration) Technologies under the conditions in Latvia and to assess the suitability of application of sapropel as a biologically active additive and a soil fertilization product in the agricultural industries. Project implementation scheme: Extarction, dehydration, testing of sapropel (2018-2020), Use of sapropel products in horticulture (2019-2022), Use of sapropeli n organic farming (2020-2022), Use of sapropel products in livestock farming (2022-2023). Project partners Institute of Agrarian Resources and Economics, Ltd "Ainava GG"; Ltd "Ogres Piens", Ltd "Dagdas Aita"; Ltd "Nursery of Dimzas"; Agricultural Organization Cooperation Council, Latvian Organic Agriculture Association, Plant Growers Association.