Evaluation of raw materials and technological processes of production to improve rye bread quality Source of funding ERF Project leader Daiga Kunkulberga Duration 2013-2014 Budget 4100773 EUR Project description Project overall objectives: to promote efficient and high-quality cooperation between food industry non-related companies, scientific research institutions, educational institutions and other institutions to promote the competitiveness of the food industry and enterprises, increase export volume of cluster members by 2015, innovations, existing products improving quality and introducing new high quality products. Specific objectives: study of technological properties of flour. Research on technological properties of rye malt. Assessment of microbiological risks in bakeries in summer, autumn, winter and spring time. Study of the causes of microbiological spoilage of bread using molecular biology methods, identification of species and strains of microbiological agents causing microbiological spoilage agents. Study of rye bread quality and sensory properties. LBTU Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte piedalās Latvijas Pārtikas uzņēmumu federācijas vadītajā projektā "Pārtikas produktu kvalitātes klasteris", Nr. KAP/; līgums ar LIAA no 2012. gada 12. septembra, nr. L-KAP-12-0010. Project partners SIA "Lāči" SIA "Dona" AS "Rīgas Dzirnavnieks" AS "Roga-Agro" Associate partners Latvian Federation of Food Companies.